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We need your help to keep our services up and running at this time. Yes and we are counting on you. Please do show us love, no amount of money you decide to give to us today is too small to keep us online.

If you like the services we provide or the idea behind this pricing website, please do consider donating to us using the below account details. The monies you give to us will be used to renew our numerous subscriptions, update or upgrade our hosting servers and also aid in generally providing better services to you and many others.

Bank: United Bank of Africa
USD Acc Number: 2216774447
Account Name: Nnamdi Benedict Okara
Swift Code: UNAFNGLA301

Else, if you are sending in naira, you can transfer to 0040879979, Bank is Diamond Access and name is Nnamdi Benedict Okara.

Having donated, kindly send receipt to or text +2348031150932 the evidence of payment. This will help us keep track of payments.

Thank you for your interest in moving Coprices forward. We are more than happy to have you on this site and we promise to put all of the monies we can get to good use.

Best Regards,
Nnamdi Benedict (Jaybliss),

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